Friday, 26 October 2007

Spiritual Formation Group

I was part of a spiritual formation group which was formed 5 years ago. There are 4 of us in that group and we spent a few months together, meeting once every two weeks with the aim of encouraging each other in developing spiritual disciplines in our lives. We had the loveliest time as we studied the Bible, shared, cried and prayed together, with a book on spiritual formation as our guide.

When we completed all the topics on spiritual formation in that book, we decided not to meet regularly any more because of other commitments to our various churches. Two of us started new spiritual formation groups with other ladies in our churches.

The original group of 4 met again today for lunch. We have not met as a group for two years and it was really wonderful to catch up on how each of us is growing in the Lord and what are some of the struggles in our lives. There have been joys and sorrows, triumphs and heartaches. I shared about how happy I am now, after going through months of fatigue and low esteem. I also shared about my new volunteer work with Salvation Army and patients at Sarawak General Hospital. Another sister encouraged us with reports of how God ministered to her through a prayer retreat and then told her to organize two other prayer retreats in her church. Lives have been transformed during the prayer retreats as they encountered God at a deeper dimension.
Others also shared about concerns in their church life which they want us to pray about. So we ended with a time of praying for God to intervene and bring breakthroughs in the difficult situations that we talked about.

It was altogether an uplifting time for all of us. I hope I do not have to wait another two years before we get to meet again!

Sunday, 21 October 2007

Coping with Mother-in-law

My mother-in-law stays with us and sometimes it is very trying! Just this morning, at 5 am , she told me she had severe pain in her back and that she cannot move her neck. Her facial expression was full of anguish and she kept saying how excruciating her pain was. She said she has not slept all night because of her pain. I volunteered to wake my husband up to see to her (he is an orthopaedic surgeon). But she told me to wait till he woke up on his own.

As soon as the alarm went off and my husband stirred, I told him about his mother. Immediately after he saw her, he knew the pain was due to her old problem of backache which was a result of normal wear and tear. He told her that but she did not believe him at first and insisted that he examine her. I told my husband to oblige her because I knew she needed the human touch and some compassion. So he touched the bones on her back and gave her the same diagnosis. He also told her to take the pain-killer which he had supplied her. Amazingly, she coped with her pain much better even before she took any pain-kiiler!!!

Later, I asked my husband if her pain was severe. He said that it should not be very severe. With this knowledge, I can feel more at peace if I do not give too much attention to her backache and if I do not believe her when she says that she is dying due to the pain.

Actually I am less alarmed this time around because of a previous episode when I had to send her to the emergency room of a hospital because she told me she could not breathe and that she was very sick. After a whole battery of tests, she was diagnosed with lung infection and sent home with antibiotics. The amazing thing is that even before my mother-in-law took any of the antibiotics, she was perfectly well again and she was breathing normally again! I have learnt to take what she says with a pinch of salt.

As I think through this, I think that people like my mother-in-law are probably very insecure and sometimes they have to feign sickness or exaggerate their pain so as to get the attention they need and to feel that others care about them. My prayer is that God will fill me with His unconditional love for my mother-in-law and to show love and concern often enough that she does not need to feign any sickness to get attention. My human nature wants to turn away and let her be and not be fooled by her pretences. But I must allow God to touch her with His love through my acts of kindness towards her. God must increase and I must decrease!

Fear not!

This morning I heard a very good sermon on Isaiah 43:1-3.

I was told there are 365 "Fear not"s in the Bible, one for each day of the year. God really wants us not to fear at all. The reasons we do not need to fear are as follows:

1. God has an investment in us. Isa 43:1 says "Fear not, for I have redeemed you."
Redeem here is a banker term meaning to pay a certain amount of money to get the
title to a certain property from the bank. Often the value of that property
depends on the amount of money paid to redeem it. God has redeemed us with a very
high price - the life of His Son Jesus Christ. We are precious to Him and He will
always protect us because He has already invested so much in us!

2. God knows us. Isa 43:1 says "Fear not....for I have summoned you by name". God
knows each of us by name, even though there are 6 billion of us!

3. We belong to God. Isa 43:1 says "Fear are mine." God will take good
care of us because we are His and we belong to Him forever.

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you.
And when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.
For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior." Isa43:2-3

The waters, rivers and fire here refer to the trials, troubles, testing and temptations that we face in our lives. In all of them, we need not fear because we have God!!!!

Time Wasters

Here is a list of the most popular time wasters quoted from the book "The Time Trap":
1. attempting too much at once
2. unrealistic time estimates
3. procrastinating
4. lack of specific priorities
5. failure to listen well
6. doing it myself- failure to delegate
7. unable to say no
8. perfectionism- focusing on needless details
9. lack of organization
10. failure to write it down
11. reluctance to get started
12. absence of self-appointed deadlines
13. not doing first things first.

Wednesday, 17 October 2007

A Persian Proverb

There is a Persian proverb which goes like this :

He who knows not, and knows not that he knows not, is a fool; shun him.
He who knows not, and knows that he knows not, is a child; teach him.
He who knows, and knows not that he knows, is asleep; wake him.
He who knows, and knows that he knows, is wise; follow him.

These four groups of people are everywhere around us and we need discerment to know who to shun, teach, awaken or follow. We need to read character with skill and accuracy.

James encourages any of us who lack wisdom to ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault (James 1:5). We should also go the Word of God, for "His commands make me wiser than my enemies", and it gives us insight and understanding if we meditate on it and obey it(Psalm 119:98-100).

Jesus urges us to pursue the discerment or interpretation of the present times and the wisdom to think of what to do before it is too late (Lk.12:54-57).

We have received the Spirit of God so that we may understand what God has freely given us (1Cor2:12). God has given us the mind of Christ (1Cor 2:16). Let us learn to use it regularly!!!

Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Hari Raya

It is Hari Raya Aidilfitri ! Over the last few days, my husband and I went to the open houses of our Muslim friends and colleagues. It was a wonderful occasion to meet up with friends. For some of them, we see them only once a year at this time of the year. It is good to renew our friendship ties and catch up on what is happening in each other's lives. The food we were served were very good : lemang, rendang, nasi kerabu, kuih lapis, cheese cake, cookies, etc. Yummy!!!

I wonder how many Christians make it a point to visit our Muslim friends during Hari Raya Aidilfitri. It is very kind of them to invite us to their open houses and we must be kind enough to visit them. Moreover, it is a very natural way to build bridges and it helps us to better understand one another. It is an opportunity for us to enter their homes and see their families and their way of life. Through our conversations, we can also learn of any needs in the family and we can offer to help them in some way. Several years ago, my husband and I visited a colleague of mine during Hari Raya Aidilfitri and found out that she has a severely handicapped brother whom my husband was able to help later at the Sarawak General Hospital.

This year, during the Hari Raya visitations, we found out that one of our friends is going to Korea for a year to train in a sub-specialty. His wife and children will not be going with him because his wife cannot leave her dental practice here. With this in mind, we hope we can help them in some ways when the husband is away in Korea. Another colleague has a very talented wife who has painted lovely pictures but was not able to sell them even though she has held exhibitions. I hope to help introduce her batik paintings to my friends who may want to purchase them.

May the love of our Lord Jesus flow through us as we show that we care for others!!!

Friday, 12 October 2007

God knows us better than we know ourselves!

Last night my home fellowship met and we had a very encouraging bible study on the first six verses of Psalm 139.

The Lord declares that He has searched us, He has dug deep into us and He knows us. He knows all about our routine daily activities - sitting and rising - even things we do not think about when we do them. Sometimes we get so bored with our routine life that we want to quit it if possible. But often we just have to carry on, especially as a bread-winner for a family. Even jobs at the highest level, as Chief Executive Officer, as an astronaut, or as a surgeon with a sub-specialty which only he has in the whole of Borneo, there are still mundane daily things that need to be done. Our Comfort is that God knows them all and He will be with us in each and every thing we do, no matter how many times we have to do it all over again.

God perceives our thoughts from afar. He even understands the motive behind our every thought!!!Sometimes we ourselves do not know why we have a certain thought, but God knows why.

Our Lord is familiar with all our ways. We will not surprise Him in any way for He is so well acquainted with the way we do things. After all, He created us, didn't He?

Before we even speak a word, God already knows it completely. For those of us who are tongue-tight, it is comforting to know that God knows each word we are going to say and even the effects it will have on the listeners. So, relax! For those of us who talk so much and talk so fast that sometimes we do not even know what we have just said, remember that God knows!

Our Lord God hems us in, behind and before. He is all around us, protecting us thoroughly. He knows our past and our future and His hand of blessings and protection is upon us. How secured we are in the ever-present, ever-knowing God!!!

Isn't such knowledge simply too wonderful!!!

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Spiritual Gifts2

The ladies' fellowship I attend is doing a series of bible study on service to the Lord! Yesterday we were studying the spiritual gifts and how to use them to build up the Church.

One sister said her spiritual gift is in dreaming dreams and she gave us examples of how God has given her dreams and how they became reality. One example was the dream she had on the last day of her daughters' examinations- the eldest was taking STPM and the second was taking SPM. She dreamt of two eaglets flying and later the Lord told her it was about her daughters flying away for their further studies. True enough, both her daughters flew off for their studies after receiving scholarships. Then she shared that she had a strange dream yesterday morning. She dreamt of another sister in that group going to Kuala Lumpur to meet her husband who has passed away 3 years ago. She does not know what that dream means yet but that particular sister has written down the details of that dream and will be watching to see what it means.

Another sister shared that her gift from the Lord is the ability to listen well. Recently, on a tour to South Korea, she shared a room with someone who confided a lot of things with her. She is also attending a counselling course to help her in her volunteer work as a telephone counsellor with Women For Women Society. I think it is marvellous for her to sharpen her skills in an area she knows she is gifted in and to seek to help others who can benefit from her gifting.

There was yet another sister who shared about her gift in prophesying. She shared about how she was under spiritual attack when she exercised that gift and she suffered shoulder and neck pains and very heavy menstrual flow which caused her to be anaemic.Three days ago, as she spent time with the Lord, the Word oF God ministered to her and assured her of God's healing and taking away her pains. Actually, last Sunday, during the worship service, she prophesied and as she did that, a lady in the congregtion cried out loud and fell down, trembling all over. She was crying, "Lord, forgive me, forgive me!" . Then she started to speak in tongues for quite a while before a group of intercessors brought her to another room to minister to her. During this time, many in the congregation felt the Presence of God strongly and were much encouraged in their faith.

May we all faithfully use the gifts God has given us so that the Church can be built up and the Kingdom of God can be extended!!!

Tuesday, 9 October 2007

All alone!

This afternoon, I visited a Sabahan lady who is warded in Sarawak General Hospital, Kuching.She is only 27 years old and she has cancer which has spread from her shoulder to her lungs.She is a single mother with a six year old son. She came here to Kuching by herself to seek treatment and when she first came, she did not know a single person here- not a friend nor a relative. She was all alone!

But God has been gracious to her. The people in the ward has been very kind to her. They have made friends with her and shared their food with her.In fact, she feels so good about the people she has met, that she intends to stay on in Kuching and look for a job here after getting discharged from the ward. Hurray to all who have shown kindness to this lady! The world is a beter place because of people like them.

Monday, 8 October 2007


Dear Lord Jesus,

I pray that You will give me the gift of joy. Let the spirit of joy rise up in my heart this day and may I know the fullness of joy that is found only in Your Presence.

Whenever I am overtaken by negative emotions, surround me with your love. Teach me to say, "This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it"(Ps 118:24) Deliver me from despair, depression, loneliness, discouragement, anger, or rejection. May these negative attitudes have no place in me. May I always decide in my heart, "My soul shall be joyful in the Lord. It shall rejoice in His salvation"(Ps 35:9)

Plant Your Word firmly in my heart and increase my faith daily. Enable me to abide in Your love and derive strength from the joy of the Lord this day and forever.


Sunday, 7 October 2007

Care Group

My husband and I belong to a Care Group, consisting of about ten families. Yesterday we had a most unusual meeting.

One of the ten families invited us to their home to meet up with the British boyfriend of one of the daughters. He was visiting Malaysia for the first time. We had a lovely evening chatting with this special Briton, asking him all sorts of questions, not to interrogate him, but just to get to know him better, so that as a care group, we can pray more intelligently for them as they seek God regarding their future together. Very often, we pray together for the children in our families as their welfare is of utmost importance to the parents. So, in this case, we are setting the precedence of meeting the special persons in the lives of our chilldren as a care group, to show our care and concern. After some time of fellowship and refreshment, we prayed for God's guidance and blessings on the two of them. It was a wonderful time together!

We are already planning to meet the next one from another family. How excting!!!! Just hope that the boyfriend or girlfriend will not get cold feet!

Wednesday, 3 October 2007

Spiritual and Practical Gifts From God.

Yesterday morning, I was with my Homemakers' Fellowship and we were having a bible study about using gifts from the Lord for the common good of the whole church and community. We studied 1Cor 12 and went around,giving each lady a chance to share about what she feels is her gift from the Lord, be it a spiritual gift such as the message of wisdom, the message of knowledge, faith, healing, miraculous powers, prophecy, distinguishing between spirits, tongues, interpretation of tongues; or practical gifts as listed in Romans 12 such as serving, teaching, encouraging, contributing to the needs of others, leadership, showing mercy, etc.
It was great to hear how one sister received lyrics of a song which God gave her to share to encourage the church and how she sms it to another sister, who immediately received a tune from God and wrote down the music scores of the new composition. I hope this song will be on an album soon so that the church worldwide can benefit from it!

Another sister talked about her joy in cooking and seeing others enjoy the good food she cooked. This gifting was confirmed by a prophet from overseas who once told her that she saw in a vision, this sister putting more potatoes into her oven, signifying the gift of hospitality, which we all agree she has.

We were all so encouraged that God gives to each and every one of us a gift to use for His glory and to build the church. We were warned that if we do not use the gift God has given us, we may be bring harm to the church by not fulfilling our vital roles which are all needed for the well-being of the church. WOW!

Unanswered prayers can be answers from God!

God is Almighty and definitely not helpless nor hapless. But sometimes, to Him, it is more important for us to learn some crucial lessons and to grow in our character, than to be healed of our disease. Eg.patience and perseverance, empathy for others who are sick, deep appreciation for other gifts from God such as those who care for us, the brevity and fragility of life, etc.

The purpose of believing in God is more than getting His blessings such as health, wealth,peace, etc. It is to know God and to make Him known. A sickness often helps us to know God better and if we have positive attitudes towards the sickness we have to live with, others around us will know the goodness of our God .

I am not suggesting we try to get sick to able to know God or make Him known. We are responsible to take good care of our bodies and seek medical treatment when we need it. But when there is no hope of a medical solution and God has not granted a miraculous healing, we can accept it as something through which God can bring some good, to us and others around us.

Tips for renewing old sofa

My family and I have been using the blue sofa set in my living room for the past nine years. It is covered with PU and there has been very little need for any maintenance except an occassional wipe down with a wet cloth. The problem is, since about a year ago, it is getting worn out at the arm-rests and the seat of the three-seater. I thought it is time to change to another new sofa set and so I began to shop around. There was a particular set that I like and my family also like it but there is no stock of any sofa with the particular colour we wanted, until after the Hari Raya Puasa, which will be in two weeks' time.

Meanwhile, I tried to do something to cover the defects on the old sofa set. I bought some cloth of matching colour and tried to see how it will look like if I velcro it down. The effect was not very good.

Today I bought a mattress pad which covers and fits the three-seater quite well. Then I bought a roll of wall paper which is sticky on one side and my husband and I managed to cover the arm-rests of the sofa rather well. Wow! The old sofa has been given a new lease of life! It really looks good now. And it is just as comfortable as it was before! All at the cost of under RM70. We have saved a big bundle but not having to buy a new set of sofa (Rm3000)!!!!!! Another benefit is that we are saving the earth by prolonging the use of our sofa set, not using up more of the earth's resources in buying a new sofa set and not dirtying the earth by throwing out an old sofa set! Why not try my innovation if you need to give your old sofa set a face-lift!!!