Sunday, 30 September 2007

Better than a miracle

Better Than a Miracle by Joyce C.
God is in the miracle business, every day, blessing us in so many ways wherein we aren't even looking. In fact, we are so ungrateful that, if one leg is in pain, we don't thank Him for the one that isn't. We invite Satan to extend suffering, with words like, "I may never be able to walk again." If our healing isn't instant, do we conclude that God must have stopped doing miracles? If God does do miracles, perhaps we decide it must be for someone else.According to your faith be it unto you. If you don't believe God heals, He won't. If you believe that miracles were only for beginning the new church age, you're missing out on blessings. Scripture was written as an example, not a history lesson. In all the ways God loved people of old, He wants to love us, too.

There are many gifts of healing, not just one, with diversity and differences in operation. After all, Jesus wasn't the only gift God gave ... and a gift is free. God heals all that will receive and that includes you, too.

We might see a physically blind man. But, God may see the spiritually blind heart. To give that man spiritual sight is worth far more. In fact, his spiritual sight, along with his physical infirmity, just might open more doors of opportunity to minister, as people are in awe of all he has to share, in spite of that handicap. In fact, one non-functioning sense could heighten all his other senses for true greatness.

Another could be physically lame; an outward show of one's inner desire to minister, but often faltering. Teach that person to spiritually walk, following none other than God, and they will be able to physically walk. As is often the case, heal the inner man and the outward one will function correctly ~ regardless of x-rays.

Then, there are those whose outward condition is in no way reflective of their inner needs. In such, a more immediate miracle may be in order. However, for those who don't give a hang about God, the real need of their heart is salvation.One child was diagnosed ADD, in error. As it turned out, one eye sees far sighted and the other sees near sighted. Also, there was construction going on in the next room. It was such a distraction that all their testing was off. Children are often labeled learning disabled when, in fact, they are extremely gifted.

If your hip won't stay in place, check out your shoes. It could just be that you've worn down a heal, setting everything else off balance. It may be the side effects of your medication that is wreaking havoc.Look and live. Find the source of the problem. Sometimes, it's external. Get that corrected and see what wonders God will do. And, when you don't know the source, ask God. Seek and you will find. Knock and that door will be opened.Jesus healed everyone that came to Him. There was no manner of disease that He couldn't do. Even in Paul's case, grace always has a point of redemption. And, didn't Jesus tell us that we can do the works He did and even more? He wasn't kidding. And, God replaces missing parts, too, sometimes even without transplants!

If you are not free, it isn't the truth. If it isn't the truth, it is a lie. And, if it is a lie, it was planted by Satan to keep us from our rightful inheritance. We can know this because truth always sets you free.

So, what can be even Better Than a Miracle?
Consider this ...For all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of God. For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. 2 Co. 4:15-18

When you receive a miracle of healing, that is an awesome testimony!However, when it is for your sake that your healing comes over time, that becomes a testimony, too. You spend at least some of that time growing in your relationship with God ... that is, unless you don't believe God heals. God makes your trial a blessing, as God is plenty capable of turning whatever Satan does into something good. You become a forerunner, learning how to overcome, wherein you, then, have a testimony to help others find their rightful place with God, too, and that blesses you even more!Also, as is often the case, people, from all walks of life, have discovered the ability to serve via the internet ~ as their bodies haven't allowed them other options to serve. If they had been physically healthy, would they have, otherwise, ever dreamed to minister to hundreds, thousands, and hundred thousands?

In some cases, blooming where you are planted is the most loving option God can offer. But, again, grace always has a point of redemption. When you finally know your importance in ministry, as a child of God, and are ready to serve, just as vigorously, without your physical or spiritual thorn, Satan has lost his power over you and it's time for your healing. Praise God!Not only that but, those who've suffered with Christ will also be glorified with Him!!!God sees and feels your every hurt. There is nothing that touches your heart which does not touch the heart of God. Though, He also knows it is only for a season.

Sometimes, we view those with physical infirmities as weak, sinful, etc.; not realizing these are often God's chosen. In such case, God has granted these a time of spiritual growth. He does not see them as week or sickly, at all. In fact, He is so very proud, knowing that these are His true warriors; ones that didn't give up on Him no matter what.

And, what you also may not realize is that, in addition to all the other lives you touch, every time you choose God in spite of all that ails ~ you are earning glory for all eternity! God looks upon the heart and, when you realize your rewards, you'll finally 'know' it really was worth it all!!!Though, not even Jesus could be all that He was yet going to be until certain things were accomplished.But I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how am I straitened till it be accomplished! Luke 12:50

Always, God does the healing and, often, via Jesus. There are choices we can make in the process of overcoming. But, none-the-less, God calls the rest to do our part.If you want to see God's great army turning this land into something Better Than a Miracle, consider what God said.Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke? Isaiah 58:6***
© 2004 by Joyce C. LockJoyce C. Lock is a published author, poet, and columnist. In addition, she founded and maintains the email ministries "Heavenly Inspirations"

Praise God at all times!

Imagine that you cannot move any muscle of yours. You cannot walk, sit up, talk, swallow or smile or do anything else except to lie down on the bed all day long. In this kind of existence, do you think you can praise God at all?

Well, yesterday I was with Balang Lasong and he is living like I described above for the past year. He has a sickness which causes muscle distrophy and over the past few years, his disabilities slowly increased until the present state. I was with a group of church members who visited him to have Holy Communion with him. I really admire the way Balang and his family has continued to trust the Lord as Balang's phsical condition deteriorated. He had been coming to the church services as long as he could, even in a wheel chair. When he could not sit in his wheel chair anymore, he stopped worshipping God at the church with us. But he was always very glad when we went to his home to have Holy Communion with him. His faith in God is truly admirable!

He and his family is a present-day example of David who in Psalm 34 wrote of extoling God at all times, even when he had to pretend to be insane while he was fearing for his life and in the midst of enemies who could chop off his head if they wanted to. David was in trouble and he was indeed overwhelmed with fears but he was able to surrender his fears to God and then he testified how God delivered him from all his fears. Through it all, he was able to praise God for God is Sovereignly in control of all things, even when he did not understand why God allowed certain things to happen to him.

When I have to go through the fiery test of my faith, may I be found to be extoling God at all times, trusting him faithfully and surrendering all to His loving care.


Dear Lord,

Fill me with a love for You that surpasses my love for anything or anyone else. Help me to respect and revere Your laws and understand that they are there for my benefit. May I clearly see that when Your laws are disobeyed, life doesn't work. Hide Your Word in my heart so that there is no attraction to sin. I pray that I will run away from evil, impurity, from unholy thoughts, words, and deeds, and that I will be drawn toward whatever is pure and holy. Let Christ be formed in me and cause me to seek the power of Your Holy Spirit to enable me to do what is right.

You have said, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God" (Matt 5:8). May a desire for holiness that comes from a pure heart be reflected in all that I do. Let it be manifested in my appearance as well.

Where I have strayed from the path of holiness, bring me to repentance and work Your cleansing power in my heart and life. Give me understanding that to live in purity brings wholeness and blessing, and that the greatest reward for it is seeing You.


Power of an endless life!

Persistence in the face of adversity is an admirable virtue but death is the final adversity that no amount of persistence can overcome.

Jesus, by the power of His perfect life, conquered death. In so doing, He made it possible for others to overcome death as well. Because He lives, and as He lives, we shall live also.

Jesus is the priest described in Hebrews 7:15-16 who has become a priest for us on the basis of the power of an indestructible life.

In the first creation, God breathed into Adam the breath of life, and he became a living soul. In the second creation, Christ breathes into us the spirit of His life.

In response, we must see to it that we deny our own lives, so that Christ's life will become ever more triumphant within us!

Living with unanswered prayers.

God is All-powerful ! And He loves me so much He even died on the cross for me. But why doesn't He answer my prayer to heal me of my diabetes? Over the years, I have been crying to God to heal me but my diabetes has gotten worse and worse. Last Tuesday, my physician told me my oral medication is not able to control my diabetes and I have to start injecting myself with insulin everyday to try and control my blood sugar level. Why does God allow this to happen to me? He knows I am so scared of needles and not only do I have to be injected everyday, I must do it myself!!! Where is God when it hurts so much?

These are the questions a friend of mine has been asking. He is down right depressed about his medical condition. I hope that as his brothers and sisters in Christ, we who are in his home fellowship will be able to walk alongside him during this very trying period in his life and be able to encourage him to continue to believe that God still loves him and that He is still sovereignly in control of all things in spite of what he is going through. This is certainly a test of his faith. It is easy to say you believe in God's love and power when everything is going well for you. But when sickness or crisis strikes, are we able to continue believing that God is all He claims to be in the Bible? It takes faith to do that. May God increase my brother's faith in Him during this trial !

I have been wondering why is it that this brother cannot see the insulin injections as God's answer to his prayers for good health? The insulin injections can help regulate his blood sugar level and thus prevent his kidneys from getting destroyed too early in his life. Personally, I feel that we as God's children have no right to dictate to God how He should answer our prayers. Is He really God if He has to grant us all our wishes according to our ways? Can we not believe that His wisdom and knowledge far supercedes ours? If so, we must accept His ways of answering our prayers. God is alive and He is true to all that He says He is in the Bible. Often, it is our wrong understanding and intrepretation of His Word that shipwreck our faith in Him.

It is true that God can heal and He does want us to have good health. But according to the Bible the world we live in is a fallen one. Our human bodies are no longer what God had intended them to be when He first created Adam and Eve. Because of sin, we now have to live with sicknesses, injuries, aging, etc. Philip Yancey says that we will not be willing to leave this earth and go to heaven if we live in continuous good health!

Nonetheless, I must understand that I do not have to bear the cross that my brother is bearing now and I do not fully understand all his feelings because I am not him. I must not be critical of his response to his predicament but I must try to be there for him and his family as they go through this difficult period. I am sure God will help them to get used to the routine of the daily insulin injections and I am praying that soon, peace and joy will return to this family, especially to this particular brother. Sure, I believe God is capable of healing him completely of his diabetes but we should not love God any less if He does not heal him. Our faith in Him must not waver when we go through the storms of life!!!

Tuesday, 25 September 2007

Mooncake Festival

What a glorious sight it was at Kuching Friendship Park last night ! It was the Mooncake Festival and the whole park was beautifully decorated with lanterns of various colours and shapes. Hundreds of people thronged the park, many walking around with lighted lanterns. It was such a lovely sight! I hope Chinese people around the world will continue to celebrate the Mooncake Festival annually. It is a wonderfully occasion for the whole community to get together and have fun eating mooncakes and playing with lanterns. We can connect with each other as we chat and play games together.

Last Saturday. Chin Daw Methodist Church hosted an early celebration of the Mooncake festival at the Friendship Park. Their efforts should be commended. Hundreds of people showed up that night. The renditions of mandarin songs were very well done and the drama was so good and hilarious. They even had a lucky draw and guess what, I won a lovely thermos jar! A memorable night indeed! The only flaw is that the organizers did not prepare for the downpour that night. It was raining everyday for past several days and they should have put up tents in that open space where the gathering was. But most people stayed on with umbrellas or hid in the few sheltered areas nearby. I must say that the enthusiasm was still high in the air despite the rain. Bravo!

Last night, on the actual Mooncake Festival, I prepared a special dinner for my family - steamed boat and grilled lamb and beef, with chocolate cake and mooncake as desserts. We had a good time , all 3 generations together - 2 grandmas, my 2 teenage children plus my husband and myself. I even played with lanterns at my age of 40 something! A chance at second childhood!
The only sorrow was that we could not share those moments with my 2 sons who are studying in USA.

Something special happened 2 nights ago. My mother, here in Kuching and my brother, in Vancouver, spoke to each other for the first time in 17 years! I had an urge to call my brother and then I passed the phone to my mum. It was such a great joy to hear them chat and fill each other with details of their present lives! For the past 17 years my brother has not called or wrote to my mum. It was as though my mum had lost a son when he migrated to Canada. When I previously suggested my mum talk on the phone with my brother, she refused, saying that if he did not want to talk to her, then she has nothing to say to him. How sad!!! But I thank God for answering my prayers to be their peacemaker. One must always be reconciled to one's family members no matter what it takes and before it is too late. If not there will only be regrets to live with .

Friday, 21 September 2007

My highs and lows

There are days when my energy levels are so low, I can hardly crawl out of bed. When those days end, I am so full of energy that I can run around and do a million things and still do not feel tired. Is anyone of you like me?

I am full of energy presently. Just went jogging with hubby, took a bath, drove to town to bring my son home from a prefects' meeting at his school, wrote a blog, made some calls and started to blog again. Feel like I can go on and on. It is wonderful to be so alive, and enthusiastic about everything. But my hubby warns me not to commit myself to anything long-term which I will not be able to fulfill when my energy fizzle out and I am flat on the bed once again. But I do not want to keep limiting what I do because of fears of how I will cope in the future! Living in fears is no fun at all !I will try to be wise and not over-commit myself. Also I must work as a team with others who can back me up when I need to rest.

Actually I am thinking of embarking on a new project. I have a house in a privately-developed low-cost housing area which is vacant at this moment. I am seriously thinking of providing tuition for children there and charging only very minimal fees, something like 5 or 10 ringgit a month. The aim is to help children of poor families in their studies so that they will do well in their public exams and help get their families out of the poverty cycle. I hope I can get a team together who shares the same vision and will be committed to helping the poor. If you are living in Kuching and wants to join me in this project, let me know ok?

I have been so blessed by God. I have received a good education and I want to share my knowledge with others, and make a difference in their lives in a positive way. Lord, use me!

Be the person God created me to be!

Dear Lord God,

I pray that You will pour out Your Spirit upon me today and anoint me for all that You've called to be and do. May I never stray from what You have called me to be and do . I do not want try to be someone I am not.

Deliver me from any evil plan of the Devil to rob me of life, to steal away my uniqueness and giftedness, to compromise the path you have called me to walk, or to destroy the person You created me to be. May I not be a follower of anyone, but You. May I be a leader of people into Your kingdom. Help me to grow into a complete understanding of my authority in Jesus, while retaining a submissive and humble spirit. May the fruit of the Spirit, which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control grow in me daily. May I find my identity in You, view myself as Your instrument, and know that I am complete in You. Give me a vision for my life and a sense of purpose about what You have called me to do. May my commitment to being who You created me to be enable me to grow daily in confidence and Holy Spirit boldness.


Please feel free to pray this prayer for yourself and your loved ones.

Thursday, 20 September 2007

Taking care of our elderly parents

This morning I need to take my 83 year old mum to Sarawak General Hospital. She needs an xray, some blood tests and medicine for her diabetes, clogged arteries, leg pain, etc.

She has taken care of me while I was young. Now we have reversed our roles and I am happy to be able to serve her in some ways. She used to stay in Kluang, Johor and I in Kuching, Sarawak, separated by the South China Sea.

My third sister used to help her get her medicine and bring her to the clinics. She faithfully did this for many years. May I be found to be faithful and willing, in my service to my mum.

My mother-in-law is also staying with us . We used to wonder if the two old ladies could get along alright. But we knew God wanted us to take care of them. So we trusted God to make things work out right and that there will be peace and harmony in our home. Thank God that He did and we hope our children will also see that there is joy in taking care of elderly parents!

New look

Guess what? I have just dyed my hair. Naturally, my hair is dark brown. I am getting more and more grey hair, so I decided to go the saloon to dye it into a brown colour. But the result is not what I had wanted. A reddish brown colour!!! Please do not faint when you next see me. Why did the colour turn out to be so different from the one the manufacturer says it would? My husband was obviously shocked to see me with that hair colour but he was too polite to say anything negative. My friends dare not say anything and perhaps that means it is so bad they better not comment on it lest they offend me.

Half of me wants to redye it to black, the safest choice. But the other half enjoys the change and wants to see how a different hair colour changes how people treat me. It is quite fun to see the reactions! Maybe I will keep it for a while and change the colour when the grey hairs are obvious again.

Thorn in the flesh

I have a thorn in my flesh. I cannot yank it out. It is stuck!!! It is irritating and sometimes quite painful. It is not a thorn, literally. Sometimes you forget the thorn is there but every now and then it lets you know it is there.

This thorn is someone who is incisively critical. She lives in my home and though I try to be patient and to let her words go in through my left ear and out through my right ear, her words still affect me very much. How do you live with someone who is so demanding day after day? She is downright rude at times and is not grateful for the extra mile you go for her. What do I do when I get an over-dose of this? I go shopping!!! I pray to God that I will keep trying to love her with His love, to do things for her without expecting any word of thanks, to provide her with all she needs and not offend her in any way even if I am hurt by her. I can do all things through Christ who strenghtens me!!!

Broad daylight robbery

I just found out that my neighbour was robbed once last week and then someone attempted to rob her again a few days later. Both incidents occured during broad daylight!

At the first incident, she just got out from her car at Third Mile, Kuching and was walking towards the shops when a guy approached her. He kicked her right thigh and when she fell, he snatched her handbag and got away. When she reported the robbery, she found four other people waiting to report similar robberies at the same police station. Later, she learned from the police personnel that at least 30 robberies or snatch thefts which are being reported everyday! What is happening in Kuching ? It used to be such a safe city that you hardly see any policemen around the city and you do not hear of rampant crimes.

A few days later, the same neighbour was waiting at a traffic junction and suddenly a gang of four motorbikes came to the junction. One guy smashed the side window of the car behind hers and snatched a handbag. Then someone else came to her car and wanted to do the same. But because the lady in the car behind her kept horning her car and shouting, people in the nearby shops came to assist and that gang zoomed off, but not without one of them yelling triumphantly as though they have won a race. I do hope the police in Kuching will act swiftly to put an end to these rampant robberies and snatch thefts. They must catch these criminals and put them into prisons. Kuching do not need such bold criminals!

On the personaol side, I hope ladies will stop using and handbags. Why not follow my example of using a pouch strapped to my waist. It does not look pretty but hey, isn't safety more important? Also do not put handbags or anything valuable at the front passenger seat while you are driving. Hide them somewhere else so that they are not visible to motorbikers. Also lock the doors of your car while you are driving and be alert for robbers and thieves. Make lots of noise with your car horn if anyone suspicious approach you. Most of all trust God to protect you and your belongings.

Love the unlovable!

Yesterday I heard my husband preach at church and he got me thinking about various things.

Jesus loved Zacchaeus, one of the vilest men of Jericho, who oppressed the people by over-taxing them to enrich himself. He did not condone his sin but he loved the sinner.

Do I find it to love someone I come into contact frequently ? An ultra demanding mother-in-law? A very stubborn teenage daughter who refuses to talk to me and still expects me to drive her around and buy the things she needs and likes? An irritating neighbour whose friends keep horning at her gate throughout the day and night? A difficult boss? Colleagues who stab you at the back?

Humanly it is impossible to love these people. But Jesus has said that what is impossible for men is possible for God. So if God wants me to love the above mentioned people in my life, He will empower me to show love to them with His unconditional love.

Another thing I am thinking about is how Zacchaeus made restitution after he met Jesus. He gave half his possessions to the poor and paid back those he cheated four times what he cheated them of. Wow, that would mean selling most of the remaining half of his possessions and becoming quite a poor man himself! In the church today, so little emphasis is made on the need to make restitution after coming to Christ. One needs only to believe and receive Jesus and we consider him a Christian. Doesn't he need to make right what he has done wrong in the past? Have I made right my past wrongs? Do I need to reconcile with my brother who got angry with me and does not speak with me any more? Did I take something that is not mine? Have I given it back and apologised? Did I gossip about someone and smeared his reputation? Have I gone to him to confess and promise not to do it again?

Zacchaeus ran ahead of Jesus and climbed a sycamore tree so that he can catch a glimpse of Jesus. Do I desire to meet with Jesus as enthusiastically as Zacchaeus? Or do I keep Him waiting for me to commune with Him each day while I busy myself with the trivial things of this life????? Lord, change me and teach me to live a life that is truly pleasing to YOU!

What a joy!

My family just chatted with my brother-in-law's family over skype and we had so much fun and laughter. It is such a joy to have a good conversation with people you love!!! And all that free of charge, thanks to skype. We can even see each other by using web-cameras! Indeed the internet has brought us closer, although we are separated by so many miles.

I appreciate all this modern technology even more now that I have 2 sons studying in USA. It sure saves me a lot of money that would have gone to telephone companies.

It was great to take my daughter and son out for dinner tonight, just the 3 of us. Usually we have the company of my mother and mother-in-law for dinner. We love them but it is nice for a change to eat out and talk without having to translate from English to Mandarin and vice versa.
You see, my children are "bananas", yellow (chinese) on the outside and white (english) on the inside. They do not understand Mandarin well, though they are making efforts to learn. They are trying to speak to their grandmothers in Mandarin, with a lot of help from Mum and Dad. Back to dinner, we had fun teasing each other while ingesting more calories than we should - fried chicken, fried potatoes, Pepsi float with vanilla ice-cream, etc. All in all it was a lovely night out, although it would have been nicer if my husband could come along. Alas, he had to work hard, operating for 12 straight hours on a giant tumour, trying very hard to get it all out without destroying any vital blood vessels and nerves. Wanted to send some dinner to him but he said he could not take a break to eat. But when he finally came home, I gave him some piping hot Bakuteh which he really enjoyed!

So I guess I did manage to take time to "smell the roses" today. Taking time to have heart-to-heart conversations with people I love has made today so meaningful. Thank you, Lord!

Wednesday, 19 September 2007


It is so easy to rush through life as though there is no more tomorrows and everything needs to be done right now! But I am sure God does not want me to live like this.

Life is precious ! Even if I do not know if tomorrow exists for me, I ought to live in the present moments and savour all the good things God has blessed me with. Sure chores still need to be done - children fetched to school, groceries to be bought from the supermarket, mother-in-law to be brought to the doctor's clinic, car to be brought to the workshop, etc (my goodness, I do spend almost a quarter of my life as a driver). But as I go about all activities, I want to slow down my pace and take time to "smell the roses" - to baby-talk to an infant, to smile to the cashier and ask how is her day, to tell my husband that I love him, to kiss my children goodbye when I drop them off at school, to have tea with my mum and chat about other family members, etc.

O the people I meet each day are the ones that I need to reach out and touch with God's love. Life becomes so much more meaningful this way. May I ever be the moon which reflects clearly the love of the SUN (our Almighty God)!

Tuesday, 18 September 2007

It's great to be alive!

Thank God I am alive today! I am truly grateful to be alive, to be able to breathe, to enjoy loving relationships with family and friends, secure in the knowledge that God has a marvellous plan for my life today! There have been days, many days, when I did not want to get out of bed. Nothing to look forward to. Same old routine, day after day. But I do not want to live like that any more! I will start by being grateful that I am alive, healthy and able-bodied, capable to accomplishing something for God each day - small things maybe, but I want to do them with all my heart so that there is meaning in life today and everyday.

The first thing I did differently today is to start a blog of my own. Heh!!! I am blogging now, to the disbelief of my third child who laughed incessantly last night, saying that there is no way I will be able to blog. Too computer illiterate! I just have to prove him wrong, don't I ? Who says I am too old to learn new tricks??? When there is a will, there is a way! Moreover, I have Almighty God to back me up. He will strengthen me to do whatever He deems is good. No worries!Never fear, God is near!!!!

3 days ago, I read in the papers about a noodle-seller who was knocked down from behind by a lorry. She fell from her motorbike and was run over by a bus. Her head cracked and her brains spilled all over the road! Yucks!! I better put my brains to some good use before it is too late!

Last night I talked on the phone with my brother-in-law. Poor chap! He is scratching himself to death because of the 50 presents he had received from when on a mission trip to Nepal. I said they must like him so much that they gave him so many gifts! When I asked what kinds of present they were, he said "Scabies!" He had been to doctors who diagnosed his itching problem as scabies but only gave him some oral medication and some creams to apply on the itchy skin. But he is still scratching himself to death! My goodness! I wonder why no doctor gave him the following instructions to eradicate this very contagious skin disease. So I am sharing this so that if ever any one catches scabies, he will know exactly what to do and not have to suffer endlessly days of scratching till the skin is raw.

Scabies is causing by mites which are not visible to the naked eye. They live on the skin and actually feed on it. To effectively treat it, do the following:
1. Apply benzyl benzoae lotion all over your body, except your face ( mites so not live on the face, thank God!), and including the scalp.Do this once a day, for 3 consecutive days, after a shower.
2. Do no.1 for everyone living in your house, regardless of whether they have itchy skin or not, on the same days. The aim is complete eradication of the mites.
3. On the first day when you apply the benzyl benzoate lotion, wash all bedsheets, pillow cases, bolster cases, blankets in HOT WATER, to kill the mites.
4. Vacuum the whole house and throw away the vacuum cleaner bags after vacuuming and replace with new ones.
5. On the third day of applying the benzyl benzoate, wash all used bedsheets, pillow cases, bolster cases and blankets with HOT WATER again.

This is very tedious! I know because my family was infected with scabies many years and after months of itching, a kind doctor told us to do as described above. After that, we were completely cured! Praise God!