Thursday, 20 September 2007

Love the unlovable!

Yesterday I heard my husband preach at church and he got me thinking about various things.

Jesus loved Zacchaeus, one of the vilest men of Jericho, who oppressed the people by over-taxing them to enrich himself. He did not condone his sin but he loved the sinner.

Do I find it to love someone I come into contact frequently ? An ultra demanding mother-in-law? A very stubborn teenage daughter who refuses to talk to me and still expects me to drive her around and buy the things she needs and likes? An irritating neighbour whose friends keep horning at her gate throughout the day and night? A difficult boss? Colleagues who stab you at the back?

Humanly it is impossible to love these people. But Jesus has said that what is impossible for men is possible for God. So if God wants me to love the above mentioned people in my life, He will empower me to show love to them with His unconditional love.

Another thing I am thinking about is how Zacchaeus made restitution after he met Jesus. He gave half his possessions to the poor and paid back those he cheated four times what he cheated them of. Wow, that would mean selling most of the remaining half of his possessions and becoming quite a poor man himself! In the church today, so little emphasis is made on the need to make restitution after coming to Christ. One needs only to believe and receive Jesus and we consider him a Christian. Doesn't he need to make right what he has done wrong in the past? Have I made right my past wrongs? Do I need to reconcile with my brother who got angry with me and does not speak with me any more? Did I take something that is not mine? Have I given it back and apologised? Did I gossip about someone and smeared his reputation? Have I gone to him to confess and promise not to do it again?

Zacchaeus ran ahead of Jesus and climbed a sycamore tree so that he can catch a glimpse of Jesus. Do I desire to meet with Jesus as enthusiastically as Zacchaeus? Or do I keep Him waiting for me to commune with Him each day while I busy myself with the trivial things of this life????? Lord, change me and teach me to live a life that is truly pleasing to YOU!

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