Wednesday, 19 September 2007


It is so easy to rush through life as though there is no more tomorrows and everything needs to be done right now! But I am sure God does not want me to live like this.

Life is precious ! Even if I do not know if tomorrow exists for me, I ought to live in the present moments and savour all the good things God has blessed me with. Sure chores still need to be done - children fetched to school, groceries to be bought from the supermarket, mother-in-law to be brought to the doctor's clinic, car to be brought to the workshop, etc (my goodness, I do spend almost a quarter of my life as a driver). But as I go about all activities, I want to slow down my pace and take time to "smell the roses" - to baby-talk to an infant, to smile to the cashier and ask how is her day, to tell my husband that I love him, to kiss my children goodbye when I drop them off at school, to have tea with my mum and chat about other family members, etc.

O the people I meet each day are the ones that I need to reach out and touch with God's love. Life becomes so much more meaningful this way. May I ever be the moon which reflects clearly the love of the SUN (our Almighty God)!

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