Friday 21 September 2007

My highs and lows

There are days when my energy levels are so low, I can hardly crawl out of bed. When those days end, I am so full of energy that I can run around and do a million things and still do not feel tired. Is anyone of you like me?

I am full of energy presently. Just went jogging with hubby, took a bath, drove to town to bring my son home from a prefects' meeting at his school, wrote a blog, made some calls and started to blog again. Feel like I can go on and on. It is wonderful to be so alive, and enthusiastic about everything. But my hubby warns me not to commit myself to anything long-term which I will not be able to fulfill when my energy fizzle out and I am flat on the bed once again. But I do not want to keep limiting what I do because of fears of how I will cope in the future! Living in fears is no fun at all !I will try to be wise and not over-commit myself. Also I must work as a team with others who can back me up when I need to rest.

Actually I am thinking of embarking on a new project. I have a house in a privately-developed low-cost housing area which is vacant at this moment. I am seriously thinking of providing tuition for children there and charging only very minimal fees, something like 5 or 10 ringgit a month. The aim is to help children of poor families in their studies so that they will do well in their public exams and help get their families out of the poverty cycle. I hope I can get a team together who shares the same vision and will be committed to helping the poor. If you are living in Kuching and wants to join me in this project, let me know ok?

I have been so blessed by God. I have received a good education and I want to share my knowledge with others, and make a difference in their lives in a positive way. Lord, use me!

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