Thursday 20 September 2007

What a joy!

My family just chatted with my brother-in-law's family over skype and we had so much fun and laughter. It is such a joy to have a good conversation with people you love!!! And all that free of charge, thanks to skype. We can even see each other by using web-cameras! Indeed the internet has brought us closer, although we are separated by so many miles.

I appreciate all this modern technology even more now that I have 2 sons studying in USA. It sure saves me a lot of money that would have gone to telephone companies.

It was great to take my daughter and son out for dinner tonight, just the 3 of us. Usually we have the company of my mother and mother-in-law for dinner. We love them but it is nice for a change to eat out and talk without having to translate from English to Mandarin and vice versa.
You see, my children are "bananas", yellow (chinese) on the outside and white (english) on the inside. They do not understand Mandarin well, though they are making efforts to learn. They are trying to speak to their grandmothers in Mandarin, with a lot of help from Mum and Dad. Back to dinner, we had fun teasing each other while ingesting more calories than we should - fried chicken, fried potatoes, Pepsi float with vanilla ice-cream, etc. All in all it was a lovely night out, although it would have been nicer if my husband could come along. Alas, he had to work hard, operating for 12 straight hours on a giant tumour, trying very hard to get it all out without destroying any vital blood vessels and nerves. Wanted to send some dinner to him but he said he could not take a break to eat. But when he finally came home, I gave him some piping hot Bakuteh which he really enjoyed!

So I guess I did manage to take time to "smell the roses" today. Taking time to have heart-to-heart conversations with people I love has made today so meaningful. Thank you, Lord!

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