Sunday 30 September 2007


Dear Lord,

Fill me with a love for You that surpasses my love for anything or anyone else. Help me to respect and revere Your laws and understand that they are there for my benefit. May I clearly see that when Your laws are disobeyed, life doesn't work. Hide Your Word in my heart so that there is no attraction to sin. I pray that I will run away from evil, impurity, from unholy thoughts, words, and deeds, and that I will be drawn toward whatever is pure and holy. Let Christ be formed in me and cause me to seek the power of Your Holy Spirit to enable me to do what is right.

You have said, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God" (Matt 5:8). May a desire for holiness that comes from a pure heart be reflected in all that I do. Let it be manifested in my appearance as well.

Where I have strayed from the path of holiness, bring me to repentance and work Your cleansing power in my heart and life. Give me understanding that to live in purity brings wholeness and blessing, and that the greatest reward for it is seeing You.


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